FEATURE: Keachia M. Bowers

Vegetarian becomes Vegan: A Spiritual Unfolding

My journey towards veganism was birthed as a by-product of healing transformation.  It was inevitable.  I began to unfold and discover myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.  However, things felt really incomplete.  After a full assessment of my lifestyle and the food I was eating, I realized that I was living a life for the past 19 years as a dead vegetarian.

Yes, I said it...dead.  I was physically living, but I was self-destructive in so many ways.  Much of my emotional pain from my childhood was brought into my adulthood and it shaped the way I was eating.  I was, what I like to call, an “emotional eater”.  So, when I felt inadequate and empty, I got some pound cake.  When I felt like life didn’t give me what I deserved, I treated myself to a slice of pizza.  It was full of veggies though, so I thought I was “better than” the rest.  If I wanted to cry, I didn’t allow it to happen.  I covered it up, pushed it down and ate whatever I wanted to eat; as long as it was fish, processed foods, and a bunch of other foods packed with eggs and milk…yup, cows milk.

Now, I’m not saying that anything is wrong with eating these foods.  NO. Not my claim.  I’m saying that once I awakened into finding my true self, my divine and radiant self, these foods could no longer serve me.  So, the battle began.  A true, internal battle of my inner self fighting with my outer self for liberation.  I became conscious and aware of how I victimized myself, self-sabotaged, suppressed anger, manipulated others, and a host of low vibrational thoughts and actions.  The awareness sparked change.  I began to pay attention to how I spoke to myself when I was alone.  How I spoke to others and more importantly, what I ate.
With this transformative state, I can honestly say that my journey towards veganism then became a radical and revolutionary act of self-love. Kindness, to the highest degree.  After years of standing in darkness, I finally allowed room for light to shine.  And it all came from within.  

What did the transformation offer me and the world around me? I developed a private practice as a healing counselor and Transformation Coach, Movements for Change, LLC in the South Florida area.  I began presenting a wellness workshop in my community, Vegetarian 101: Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle. I began motivational speaking in my community.  I began to rebuild healthy relationships, beginning with the one I had with myself.  And more importantly, I began to forgive myself for not knowing.  

Today, I tell myself and everyone around me…”Whenever I see my low vibrational self, I give her a hug and an apple...”

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Instagram: @Movements_for_change

Facebook: Vegan Recipe Exchange