FEATURE: Londale Theus Jr.

My name is Londale Theus Jr., and I am a 6'6'' former Division 1 College Basketball Player that has been a vegetarian since birth, and a vegan for the past 9 years. My parents raised my sister and I under a spiritual philosophy that focused on causing the least amount of suffering as possible to all forms of life, and that is why we have never eaten meat, poultry, fish or eggs and continue to live that lifestyle. 

The purpose of being vegetarian always made sense to me and I never had any desire or curiosity to try eating meat. Making a conscious decision to choose compassion to animals every time I eat feels great and not only does that affect me in a positive way spiritually and emotionally, but I physically feel great also. I've never lacked when it comes to nutrition and I have been an athlete my entire life, competing with and against the best athletes in the world, many of whom are in the NBA today. I've always been one of the standouts when it came to strength and conditioning. The food that my family prepares is so rich in protein and other necessary nutrients that I am able to build muscle and push my body athletically as well as stand toe to toe with the best of them. 

Our family transitioned to becoming vegan as my mom and sister began doing more research while writing their first vegetarian soul food cookbook. It made sense not only from a health standpoint, but from a compassionate standpoint as we realized the suffering that factory farms inflict on cows in order to produce dairy products. I love being vegan, and I never feel like I'm missing out. As an actor and comedian now, I'm always on set, or rehearsal, or auditioning, always on the go, so I always have Tupperware of home cooked vegan food with me.

EVERYONE comments on how they wish they did the same thing and how they wish they could eat like me. Obviously making a commitment to live a compassionate, healthy, and vibrant lifestyle is something many people want, but don't always know how to go about doing it. I think my mom and sister's cook The Vegan System is definitely something that has helped people already (including my actor friends) and will continue to help. We as a family use these recipes every single day and I am grateful that I can eat such delicious food that makes me feel great physically. The best part is that no other forms of life had to suffer for my well-being. 



 Personal (acting) Website: www.TallDarkAndFunny.com

Instagram: @LondaleJr

Twitter: @LondaleJr

Facebook: Londale Theus Jr. 


The Theus family is offering BVR readers a $5.00 discount for their downloadable book The Vegan System. All you have to do is enter the coupon code bvr2016. It is active now and may be used anytime. Go towww.veggiesoulfood.com to download your copy today!