Photo Credit: @4th.eye.diaries
Choosing a vegan lifestyle has been extremely rewarding for my mind, body, and spirit. It took me a while to be completely vegan. I had to eliminate foods one by one and living in a household with people who ate meat also made it challenging. Knowing that this was what I wanted for myself, I pushed through the withdrawals and cravings that your body will go through when transitioning. Though my ultimate goal is to fully be a raw vegan, I still reap the benefits of the lifestyle...It has expanded my creativity when it comes to food and actually made me love cooking. My energy is amazing and my thought processes are clear.
After being exposed to just how harmful the foods are in our black communities, it helped me tremendously in changing my lifestyle. But I must give thanks to my sister for helping me get on this journey where I found my calling by being a part of her experiences.
My sister had complications with endometriosis and issues with having children. My nephew who is now 3 almost didn't make it. He was born 1 Ib 6oz. He's well today with minor health issues and is truly a blessing. But the journey to sustain his life and the pregnancy was tough. It was heartbreaking to go through this with my sister and to see her in pain and the previous years of suffering from miscarriages, and constant cramping. The westernized medicine wasn't helping. So it encouraged me to do research and find other alternatives. I wanted answers to why black women everyday are suffering from the same issues relating to infertility and only being offered the option of having a hysterectomy.
It wasn't until then that I truly found out that food can be a source of medicine. With my love for women's health, being vegan, and having experience in childcare; I combined the three and today I am happily a Doula! My goal is to help as many black women cleanse their wombs and bring healthy babies into the world with the use of foods and herbs.
Adopting a vegan lifestyle has truly been an eye opener. I'm still learning and growing everyday, but I'm grateful for what it has taught me and that it has helped me to be a better me. It has allowed me to be in a position to give back to my community and help my sisters, and for that I am also grateful.
Social Media
Instagram: @radiant.sol