FEATURE: Olympia Auset

Olympia Auset, a 25 year old Howard University alumna, has founded a low cost organic grocery store to service low income communities in Los Angeles.

SÜPRMARKT operates weekly, providing 100% organic produce and aims to make great health and healing available to the communities that need it the most. SÜPRMARKT is seeking support with getting the word out, building partnerships, and gaining the exposure needed to keep this great thing going. They know expense is a huge barrier in convincing people to eat healthy and they want to burst through that barrier. 

Olympia writes:

I am a vegan of 6+ years (raw since September) who sees food as a huge key to liberation and consciousness. I cofounded an event series called The Lifted Gift to help my peers create a new kind of great time, which involves eating vegan, bringing themselves growth and joy, and having intriguing new experiences. 

I made a video last year which illustrates my mission in life, and how beautifully I'd like to see health and happiness spread.

Black Vegans Rock Interview with Olympia

Here's a video interview with Olympia, and we have her text responses below:


BVR: Where did you first learn about veganism and why did you decide to become vegan?

OA: I had one vegan friend in high school who learned about the lifestyle because of a family member battling cancer. In college, I gained another vegan friend, but the greatest amount of information for me came from attending study groups where many issues, including food, were broken down to me deeply. I decided to become vegan to stop being poisoned by food and to help liberate the earth. 

BVR: How did your friends and family react when you stated that you were vegan?

OA: They were surprised. I've had my share of family members trying to cajole me out of it or debate with me, but as time has gone on, people have become more positive and I even think I helped. Some of the same friends I debated with have become vegan, which makes me really happy because I see it was all worth it. People are starting to get it now.

BVR: Why are you a raw vegan now?

OA: Raw Vegan is the next step in health/ awareness. We are all evolving collectively, and raw is the next step in us achieving that God-like spiritual state. I know that when you eat living food you feel alive; theres a certain high that comes from eating only living things. I always knew "I'd get there" but last year, my spirit/ body began making it very clear to me that the time was now. I think that it is a part of pioneering our collective progress; as I move on to raw, others can move on to vegan and we can all elevate together. When I met Khepra, he looked SUPER young, but he was more than twice my age- I knew then it was the thing to do. It has been a very beautiful, beneficial experience. Veganism, and even more so Raw Veganism creates a certain strength within you to "be the change" in other areas of your life.

BVR: What advice or insight can you give to our audience about blackness and veganism? A lot of black folks feel like veganism is "white" and bougie. What are your thoughts?

OA: There are many things I can say! I'd say eat what you need to in order to transition, but #StayWoke when it comes to what you put in your body. The further you move from processed and packaged foods, the better equipped you will be to have a happy, healthy life and create positive change on Earth. If your family/ friends trip, don't trip with them! The best persuader is experience, so stick to your path and be an example, and when they see how well it works for you, I PROMISE they will catch on, trust me!!! Feed them delicious vegan food and they will catch on! I've seen plenty of asiatic vegans and great chefs who look like me, so I have never really felt that it was a "white" thing- that idea is an illusion. Everybody knows we are AWESOME cooks lol. 

Social Media Links

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supr.mrkt/

Website: http://www.suprmarkt.la

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goys.entt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/flockabey