FEATURE: Ady Namaran Coulibaly

My name is Ady Namaran Coulibaly. I am a vegan, environmental and health activist, a journalist, editor of Health Africa Vegan Magazine, an interpreter and graphic designer. I have a B.A in Communication (Journalism), and studying for a Masters in Conference Interpreting.

I was introduced to veganism while on my spiritual journey. First, I got to know of the benefit of veganism as a Pranic healer. Then I also read the book of Supreme Master Chin Hai (a philanthropist, spiritual leader and vegan activist) entitled ‘From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer’. Gradually, I developed interest in learning more about veganism in order to convince myself that I was on the right path. 

The more I read books and searched for information online, the more I became convinced that I had made the right choice to be vegan, and that I was fortunate to have come across this unique lifestyle. I have come to understand the pain, suffering and level of cruelty animals go through due to the selfish and irrational food choices of humans. From that point on, I made a commitment to play an active role in creating awareness about veganism. I have had the privilege of being featured on 365 vegans.

I am leading the Meatless Monday Campaign in Ghana, West Africa.  The goal of this global campaign is to encourage the adoption of plant-based diets at least once in a week for non-vegans, thus making them appreciate the need for veganism and gradually leading them to being vegan. I visit schools to enlighten the cooking staff on the benefit of a vegan diet and to encourage them to adopt this diet at least once a week, on Mondays.

I had a vegan pregnancy, and I am on an exciting journey of raising my daughter as a proud vegan. Being vegan has completely changed my outlook about life. I feel more at peace with nature and animals; I am full of life and energy, healthy and at peace with myself.  

Social Media

Personal Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/namaran
Facebook for Meatless Monday: https://www.facebook.com/meatlessmondaygh/?fref=ts