Yourhighness Tafari and Erica Cobb
The Vegg'd Out Vegan Kitchen consist of Co-Owners, Yourhighness Tafari (Chef) and Erica Cobb (Pastry Chef), as well as Tikur Negus (Chef).
They are an all vegan food catering service based out of Tampa, Florida. Enacted in March 2014, it spawned as an all delivery service with the primary objectives of providing cleaner eating at an affordable rate, and debunking the myth of vegan food being nasty. Fast forward to present day, and Vegg'd Out now provides free vegan food preparation classes, regularly participates in educationally oriented seminars, provides periodical catering to community driven events, and more. Co-Owners Yourhighness and Erica truly bring a family affair to this movement, as they are siblings. Their mission is to assist in the liberation of the Human Spirit by self-empowering those seeking to improve their quality of life, by the consumption choices they make. With a unique blend of substance and flare, Vegg'd Out truly possesses an unrivaled taste that is paramount in the battle against corporate greed. Here's a little more insight into exactly who and what they are, and what they represent.
Yourhighness Tafari
Yourhighness was born in Tampa, Florida and has been a vegan and Puritarian since 1998. The primary motivation behind this decision was that of Spiritual Purity, by way of his ancient heritage and culture. A natural freedom fighter, he uses food education as a means of challenging the human mind to seek out and discover what else in life the overall general public has been lied to about, in the name of selfish capital gain through exploitation. He is also the Chairman of the Us Community Committee. Us is a community organization with the purpose of addressing problems in the community in the name of improvements. They conduct a monthly town hall meeting style, open forum community live discussion show that addresses the issues that are proving to be detrimental in the survival and progression of our community the only way they know how to, by getting to the SOURCE of them. It's entitled: "SourceTalk Saturday", in which he serves as the host of the program. It is also live streamed online via Facebook Live, and Periscope for anyone in the world to see.
Erica Cobb
As well, Erica Cobb was born in Tampa, Florida. She has been a vegan since 2000, and the decision to adopt this way of life was fueled primarily by the desire to live more righteously. Serving as Vegg'd Out's chief dessert creator, she is responsible for the shifting of thoughts when it comes to "vegan desserts are a little funny" and "can never be as good" as their polluted and poisoned counterparts. She also serves on the Us Community Committee.
Community involvement
Vegg'd Out actively participates in their community by way of food demonstrations, free vegan food preparation classes, organic farm volunteer work, and more. They conduct a monthly class entitled "Melodious Eats", in which they show those who are interested in improving their food choices but may not necessarily know exactly how to do so, by executing homespun recipes aimed to inspire one's own culinary ingenuity. They have also thrown their own vegan dessert fest entitled: "Bettersweetz", and will be conducting a food demonstration at the "2016 Florida Voices for Animals Tampa Bay Veg Fest", in which Yourhighness will be serving as a guest chef.
"VO Choc chip cookie dough CupKakez" and "VO Raw Chlorophyll Taczz"
Their food combines substance and flare, utilizing all certified organic fruits, veggies, and herbs. Producing a taste that is unrivaled, accompanied by a psychological approach that allows one to take control of their own destiny by empowering themselves and their loved ones. Be on the lookout as they continue to push towards their goal of owning a food truck.
Vegg'd Out Vegan Kitchen:
Us Community Organization:
2016 Tampa Bay Veg Fest: