FEATURE: Nuri and Terika

Our names are Nuri and Terika. We are @VeganFriedChicn. Here's a little bit about us!

Nuri @n.urri : I'm 18 and very passionate about my online activism. I use the platform I've created to have a voice for the communities I belong to. I've been making posts about things I've experienced like racism, white supremacy, homophobia and misogyny, since I was a junior in high school. Being socially aware is what caused my veganism. It took me about 2 years of pescetarianism, then becoming a vegetarian and now being able to call myself Vegan.💕

Terika @cherifreshmedia : I'm 20 years old. I'm a videographer and I love film. What inspired me to become a vegetarian was my hamster (Izeah)😊. Having him in my life was really the first time I had formed a connection to an animal other than human. When he passed away I promised him I would never eat meat again. Some might think that's silly but he opened my eyes to the bigger picture. 

@veganfriedchicn :We are planning on starting a vegan food truck. We're reaching out to the community to help us with our start up funding. More than half will come from us but we need some support with the rest. Check out our Facebook, YouTube video and GoFundMe to learn more. Thank you to everyone who has helped us out! 

Social Media

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/veganfriedchicn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veganfriedchicn/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/NUiXfJCG8BI
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/VeganFriedChicn