FEATURE: Brian Mays

Brian Mays has been vegan for over six months and he has a vegan, fluoride-free toothpaste called Smile Natural Toothpaste. He uses the sales to give back to children's education.

He was inspired by the Black Panthers' free breakfast program for children that was funded by the sales of their newspaper. Brian Mays recently went vegan about 6 months after learning about the disparities in healthy food options in the black community compared to other groups. This coupled with a recent diagnosis of diabetes with his father (who was a big meat eater) was enough to convince him to switch to a plant based diet. 

To connect with Brian personally, follow @smile_brianmays. To support his mission check out @smilenaturaltoothpaste or feelsgoodtosmile.com.

His work has also been covered on ESPN's The Undefeated website