After watching documentaries on Netflix like Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy and Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, I was scared that I was feeding the diseases I was trying to prevent. So in October of 2016, I decided I had had enough of the junk and started to remove dairy and all meats, including seafood, from my diet. It wasn’t easy at first but as a result, I have more energy, less bloating, my skin is clearing up, and I have regular bowel movements. The best part? My joint pain and body aches, that I have suffered with for decades, have almost vanished; that's all because I decided to to maintain a whole foods, plant-based diet.

This lifestyle change along with the knowledge of the impact animal proteins have on our bodies, has inspired me to make health my life’s work. I’m changing careers to become a health coach to help people meet their health goals and turn their lives around through exercise, mindfulness and adapting a more nourishing diet. It also inspired me to start a YouTube channel to help new vegans understand that it doesn’t have to be hard or expensive to eat healthy and it all starts with changing one simple thing.

I can be found at:

Instagram: _naturallysunny_
YouTube: Naturally Sunny
SC: sunny_daze89