FEATURE: Joana Fatondji (The Afropean Vegan)


My name is Joana Fatondji. I am 26 years old and I am mixed, my mum is German and my dad is from Ghana. I lived in Ghana for 3 years until the age of 6. Being African was always my understanding of my Identity so back in Germany I was deeply involved in the Black community.

Today I see myself as the best of both worlds and so much more since I have grown more spiritually and free. 

I was always looking for a way of combining my talents, skills, and passion to uplifting our African community but never really got it together (because I have identified myself as multi-passionate and -talented). 

In the last 12 month I have undergone a huge transformation and just went to do everything that I always had the desire to do as well as quench my thirst for knowledge and understanding.

I quit my job as an accountant (I have a bachelor´s degree in International Business). I became a volunteer at the organization called Love from Africa, I started to dance again, this time traditional african tribal dances (dancing has been my element since I was a child), I played theater with refugees, and I was on my way to start a business as a fitness instructor of an afro-dance fitness workout called Shakuma....soon to come ;)

All along doing all those things I went from being a pescatarian to being a vegan with conviction, believing that this is the only way to bring holistic healing not only to body, mind and soul. but also to ending world hunger, CO² emission, and other unbalanced factors on this planet/gaia.

My vegan  journey started with informing myself more and more about healthy foods and on that quest you can´t avoid finding information on where our meat comes from. After watching several documentaries, I didn't want to continue to eat animal bodies nor promote this industry any longer because I personally believe that anyone who watches a documentary about meat production, slaughterhouses and so on will know that they are part of the problem. So I first became a pescatarian for also most 3 years, continuing to eat fish (At that point, I didn´t have much  information about the "production" of sea food yet). But getting deeper and further along on my spiritual journey, I made more and more connections including the connection of our human suffering to the suffering of so many innocent living and feeling beings.

I believe 100% that as soon as we know about anything wrong we must change, stand up for it, and stand in for people and animals who are suffering under us.

With the journey I have embarked on, I want to contribute to raising awareness of animal rights, human rights and nature rights because so many people want to stay ignorant to issues that are not directly in their faces. And I also want to be able to offer people a way to achieve health, vitality, spirituality, longevity and joy through a holistic approach to health of body, mind and soul through live foods.

My course to be a raw/vegan/ Ayurvedic nutritionist starts next month and as I am writing this, I am sitting in the Social Impact Lab which is a platform that supports young entrepreneurs who want to tackle a societal or environmental problem with their business idea. 

Now I need to gather facts/evidence that will convince the pitch judges that the (German)- African community suffers from diseases caused from an unhealthy lifestyle including bad eating habits. That is the cause of many other problems they face in this society like not being able to 'perform'/ excel. 

If you could help me gather any information about this topic I would appreciate it a 1000 times. 

Together we can do so much, I know you know ;)! I love the page and support the mission 100%