FEATURE: Shaquille Young

I am 22 years old, and I became a vegan when I was 21, a week after my birthday. My girlfriend told me about veganism, and at first I was a bit skeptical and worried about the protein (which I now know is seriously ridiculous now that I'm thinking about it). But I was busy in the gym, becoming a bodybuilder and was really worried about how I was going to maintain the gym gains without all that "good" protein in my diet!!

So, after a ton of documentaries, articles, and books, I decided that I could totally do it and be successful in being a vegan bodybuilder. Now, a year later, I am on the verge of having bigger gains, I am fit and healthy, and additionally, I am feeling great!! Veganism for me is not only for the animals, it is for the environment that I have to share and continue to thrive in for the rest of my life. We also need to ensure that our children can thrive in a healthy environment as well. Veganism, by far, is the best adventure I have ever been on.

Fun Facts: People call me Shaq and I'm an avid traveller. 


My instagram is: @Purely.Vegan
My youtube is: @ConsciousVegans